The Skinchangers are a rare and formidable group of individuals who possess the ability to project their consciousness into nearby animals, effectively taking control of their behavior. This ability can be used for a variety of purposes, including entertainment, such as having the animals perform tricks, or in combat situations. Imagine being on the battlefield and facing an enemy unit that is being flanked by giant wolves or bears controlled by Skinchangers.
The Skinchangers unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Free Folk commanders a new option for their armies, allowing them to add the Skinchanger Unit Attachment to any unit, disregarding the usual Unit Attachment rules (meaning they can join a unit that already has another attachment). When adding the Skinchanger Unit Attachment, the player can also bring an animal unit to the table. When the Skinchanger's unit activates, the accompanying animal can activate immediately afterward, creating a powerful one-two punch combination. However, it is important to ensure that the Skinchanger and the animal are never more than Long Range from each other, as the Skinchanger will be killed and the animal will be destroyed if this condition is not met.
Please note that this is an expansion and the A Song of Ice and Fire: Free Folk Starter Set is required to play.